第三十四章: 利欲薰心王府探宝,职责已尽四海云游 | 京华烟云
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Mulan came over with her husband, Mannia, Cassia, and Lilien the next morning and went in to see Redjade's mother, who was crying like a "doll of tears." They comforted her by saying that Redjade had had a happy life and the parents' hearts should be contented, that she had been severely ill in any case and that all things were determined by Heaven. Nothing was said about her love for Afei or about her farewell letter. The women inevitably spoke of her good points and of her long illness, and the more they talked, the more they cried. So Mulan's eyes were quite red when she came over to Mochow's court.
"Something must have happened yesterday," said Mulan. "She had already made up her mind when she came to the dinner. You remember how she looked when she came in."
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第三十四章: 利欲薰心王府探宝,职责已尽四海云游