(4) 天使不敢涉足的地方 Where Angels Fear to Tread |
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The New Peace is the quantitative decline in war, genocide, and terrorism that has proceeded in fits and starts since the end of the Cold War more than two decades ago. It has not been around for as long as the Long Peace, is not as revolutionary as the Humanitarian Revolution, and has not swept a civilization in the manner of the Civilizing Process. An obvious question is whether it will last. Though I am reasonably confident that during my lifetime France and Germany will not go to war, that cat-burning and the breaking wheel will not make a comeback, and that diners will not routinely stab each other with steak knives or cut off each other's noses, no prudent person could express a similar confidence when it comes to armed conflict in the world as a whole.
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(4) 天使不敢涉足的地方 Where Angels Fear to Tread