
人性中的善良天使 (The Better Angels of Our Nature) 【待续】

作者: 斯蒂芬·平克 [加拿大] (Steven Pinker) 语言: 双语


第一章: 陌生的国度 A Foreign Country (1) 史前人类 Human Prehistory (2) 荷马的希腊 Homeric Greece (3) 希伯来《圣经》The Hebrew Bible (4) 罗马帝国和早期基督徒 The Roman Empire and Early Christendom (5) 中世纪的武士 Medieval Knights (6) 早期现代欧洲 Early Modern Europe (7) 欧洲和早期美国的荣誉观 Honor In Europe and The Early United States (8) 20世纪 The 20th Century 第二章: 平靖进程 The Pacification Process (1) 暴力的逻辑 The Logic of Violence (2) 人类祖先的暴力 Violence in Human Ancestors (3) 人类社会的种类 Kinds of Human Societies (4) 国家形态和非国家形态社会的暴力水平 Rates of violence in state and nonstate societies (5) 文明及其缺陷 Civilization and Its Discontents 第三章: 文明的进程 The Civilizing Process (1) 欧洲凶杀率的下降 The European Homicide Decline (2) 对欧洲凶杀率下降的解释 Explaining the European Homicide Decline (3) 暴力和阶级 Violence and Class (4) 世界各地的暴力 Violence Around the World (5) 美国各州的暴力 Violence in These United States (6) 20世纪60年代的文明倒退 Decivilization in the 1960s (7) 20世纪90年代的文明回归 Recivilization in the 1990s 第四章: 人道主义革命 The Humanitarian Revolution (1) 迷信杀戮:人祭、巫术和血诬 Superstitious Killing: Human Sacrifice, Witchcraft, and Blood Libel (2) 迷信杀戮:对亵渎神圣、异端邪说和叛教者的暴行 Superstitious Killing: Violence Against Blasphemers, Heretics, and Apostates (3) 残忍和非常的惩罚 Cruel and Unusual Punishments (4) 死刑 Capital Punishment (5) 奴隶制 Slavery (6) 专制统治和政治暴力 Despotism and Political Violence (7) 大战 Major War (8) 人道主义革命源自何方? Whence the Humanitarian Revolution? (9) 移情能力和对人类生命的尊重 The Rise of Empathy and the Regard for Human Life (10) “文字共和国”和启蒙人文主义 The Republic of Letters and Enlightenment Humanism (11) 文明和启蒙 Civilization and Enlightenment (12) 血与土地 Blood and Soil 第五章: 长期和平 The Long Peace (1) 统计和叙事 Statistics and Narratives (2) 20世纪真的是最糟糕的世纪吗? Was the 20th Century Really the Worst? (3) 对致命争斗的统计:第一集,战争的时机 The Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, Part 1: the Timing of Wars (4) 对致命争斗的统计:第二集,战争的量级 The Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, Part 2: the Magnitude of Wars (5) 大国战争的轨迹 The Trajectory of Great Power War (6) 欧洲战争的轨迹 The Trajectory of European War (7) 霍布斯式的背景与王朝和宗教的时代 The Hobbesian Background and the Ages of Dynasties and Religions (8) 主权时代的三大潮流 Three Currents in the Age of Sovereignty (9) 反启蒙运动的思想和民族主义时代 Counter-enlightenment Ideologies and the Age of Nationalism (10) 意识形态时代的人文主义和极权主义 Humanism and Totalitarianism in the Age of Ideology (11) 长期和平:一些数字 The Long Peace: Some Numbers (12) 长期和平:态度和事件 The Long Peace: Attitudes and Events (13) 长期和平是否是核武和平? Is the Long Peace a Nuclear Peace? (14) 长期和平是民主和平吗? Is the Long Peace a Democratic Peace? (15) 长期和平是“自由和平”吗? Is the Long Peace a Liberal Peace? (16) 长期和平是否是“康德和平”? Is the Long Peace a Kantian Peace? 第六章: 新和平 The New Peace (1) 世界其他地区的战争走势 The Trajectory of War in the Rest of the World (2) 大屠杀的走势 The Trajectory of Genocide (3) 恐怖主义的走势 The Trajectory of Terrorism (4) 天使不敢涉足的地方 Where Angels Fear to Tread 第七章: 权利革命 The Rights Revolutions (1) 私刑和种族迫害的减少与民权 Civil Rights and the Decline of Lynching and Racial Pogroms (2) 妇女权利与强奸和家暴的下降 Women's Rights and the Decline of Rape and Battering (3) 儿童权利与杀婴、体罚、虐童和欺负弱小 Children's Rights and the Decline of Infanticide, Spanking, Child Abuse, and Bullying (4) 同性恋权利,消除对同性恋的仇视,以及同性恋非罪化 Gay Rights, the Decline of Gay-bashing, and the Decriminalization of Homosexuality (5) 动物权利和残忍对待动物行为的改善 Animal Rights and the Decline of Cruelty to Animals (6) 权利革命的根源何在? Whence the Rights Revolutions? (7) 从历史到心理学 From History to Psychology