(15) 长期和平是“自由和平”吗? Is the Long Peace a Liberal Peace? | 人性中的善良天使
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The Democratic Peace is sometimes considered a special case of a Liberal Peace --"liberal" in the sense of classical liberalism, with its emphasis on political and economic freedom, rather than left-liberalism. The theory of the Liberal Peace embraces as well the doctrine of gentle commerce, according to which trade is a form of reciprocal altruism which offers positive-sum benefits for both parties and gives each a selfish stake in the well-being of the other. Robert Wright, who gave reciprocity pride of place in Nonzero, his treatise on the expansion of cooperation through history, put it this way: "Among the many reasons I think we shouldn't bomb the Japanese is that they made my minivan."
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(15) 长期和平是“自由和平”吗? Is the Long Peace a Liberal Peace?