第三章: 十二月二十日,星期五 至 十二月二十一日,星期六 Friday, December 20 – Saturday, December 21 | 千禧年1: 龙纹身的女孩
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Erika Berger looked up quizzically when an apparently freezing Blomkvist came into the editorial office. Millennium's offices were in the centre of the trendy section of Götgatan, above the offices of Greenpeace. The rent was actually a bit too steep for the magazine, but they had all agreed to keep the space.
She glanced at the clock. It was 5:10, and darkness had fallen over Stockholm long before. She had been expecting him around lunchtime.
"I'm sorry," he said before she managed to say anything. "But I was feeling the weight of the verdict and didn't feel like talking. I went for a long walk to think things over."
"I heard the verdict on the radio. She from TV4 called and wanted a comment."
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第三章: 十二月二十日,星期五 至 十二月二十一日,星期六 Friday, December 20 – Saturday, December 21