第四章: 十二月二十三日,星期一 至 十二月二十六日,星期四 Monday, December 23 – Thursday, December 26 | 千禧年1: 龙纹身的女孩
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Berger stayed over the weekend. They got up only to go to the bathroom or to get something to eat, but they had not only made love. They had lain head to foot for hours and talked about the future, weighing up the possibilities, and the odds. When dawn came on Monday morning it was the day before Christmas Eve and she kissed him goodbye -- until next time -- and drove home.
Blomkvist spent Monday washing dishes and cleaning the apartment, then walking down to the office and clearing out his desk. He had no intention of breaking ties with the magazine, but he had eventually convinced Berger that he had to be separated from the magazine for a time. He would work from home.
The office was closed for the Christmas holidays and all his colleagues were gone. He was weeding through trays of papers and packing books in cartons to take away when the telephone rang.
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第四章: 十二月二十三日,星期一 至 十二月二十六日,星期四 Monday, December 23 – Thursday, December 26