第十五章: 这个故事的结束及其他故事的开始 The End of This Story and The Beginning of all the Others | 纳尼亚传奇6: 魔法师的外甥
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"You need no rings when I am with you," said the voice of Aslan. The children blinked and looked about them. They were once more in the Wood between the Worlds; Uncle Andrew lay on the grass, still asleep; Aslan stood beside them.
"Come," said Aslan; "it is time that you went back. But there are two things to see to first; a warning, and a command. Look here, children."
They looked and saw a little hollow in the grass, with a grassy bottom, warm and dry.
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第十五章: 这个故事的结束及其他故事的开始 The End of This Story and The Beginning of all the Others