第二十七章: 神甫和理发师如何按计而行,以及其他值得记述的事情 Of How the Curate and the Barber Proceeded with Their Scheme; Together with Other Matters Worthy of Record in This Great History | 唐吉诃德(上卷)
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The curate's plan did not seem a bad one to the barber, but on the contrary so good that they immediately set about putting it in execution. They begged a petticoat and hood of the landlady, leaving her in pledge a new cassock of the curate's; and the barber made a beard out of a grey-brown or red ox-tail in which the landlord used to stick his comb. The landlady asked them what they wanted these things for, and the curate told her in a few words about the madness of Don Quixote, and how this disguise was intended to get him away from the mountain where he then was. The landlord and landlady immediately came to the conclusion that the madman was their guest, the balsam man and master of the blanketed squire, and they told the curate all that had passed between him and them, not omitting what Sancho had been so silent about.
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第二十七章: 神甫和理发师如何按计而行,以及其他值得记述的事情 Of How the Curate and the Barber Proceeded with Their Scheme; Together with Other Matters Worthy of Record in This Great History