第二十七章: 迈克·蒂维被电视传送 Mike Teavee is Sent by Television | 查理和巧克力工厂
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Mike Teavee was even more excited than Grandpa Joe at seeing a bar of chocolate being sent by television. "But Mr Wonka," he shouted, "can you send other things through the air in the same way? Breakfast cereal, for instance?"
"Oh, my sainted aunt!" cried Mr Wonka. "Don't mention that disgusting stuff in front of me! Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It's made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!"
"But could you send it by television if you wanted to, as you do chocolate?" asked Mike Teavee.
"Of course I could!"
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第二十七章: 迈克·蒂维被电视传送 Mike Teavee is Sent by Television