妻子劝夫 The Wife Exhorts the Husband | 中国成语寓言故事
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Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period.
One day, Yan Zi went out in a carriage driven by his coachman.
The coachman's wife had never seen Yan Zi before and wished to have a look at him. She peeped from behind the door. "Ah, here comes Yan Zi!" She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi, he talked and behaved with great modesty.
But her own husband? Haughty and arrogant, he sat under the big canopy driving the carriage for Yan Zi, yet considering himself unexcelled in the world. She was much ashamed of her husband.
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妻子劝夫 The Wife Exhorts the Husband