第二十五章: 英勇的骑士在莫雷纳山遇到的怪事,以及他仿效贝尔特内夫罗斯的苦修行 Which Treats of the Strange Things That Happened to the Stout Knight of La Mancha in the Sierra Morena, and of His Imitation of the Penance of Beltenebros | 唐吉诃德(上卷)
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Don Quixote took leave of the goatherd, and once more mounting Rocinante bade Sancho follow him, which he having no ass, did very discontentedly. They proceeded slowly, making their way into the most rugged part of the mountain, Sancho all the while dying to have a talk with his master, and longing for him to begin, so that there should be no breach of the injunction laid upon him; but unable to keep silence so long he said to him: "Señor Don Quixote, give me your worship's blessing and dismissal, for I'd like to go home at once to my wife and children with whom I can at any rate talk and converse as much as I like; for to want me to go through these solitudes day and night and not speak to you when I have a mind is burying me alive. If luck would have it that animals spoke as they did in the days of Guisopete, it would not be so bad, because I could talk to Rocinante about whatever came into my head, and so put up with my ill-fortune; but it is a hard case, and not to be borne with patience, to go seeking adventures all one's life and get nothing but kicks and blanketings, brickbats and punches, and with all this to have to sew up one's mouth without daring to say what is in one's heart, just as if one were dumb."
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第二十五章: 英勇的骑士在莫雷纳山遇到的怪事,以及他仿效贝尔特内夫罗斯的苦修行 Which Treats of the Strange Things That Happened to the Stout Knight of La Mancha in the Sierra Morena, and of His Imitation of the Penance of Beltenebros