第四十五章: 曼布里诺头盔和驮鞍疑案及其他事真相大白 In Which the Doubtful Question of Mambrino's Helmet and the Pack-saddle is Finally Settled, with Other Adventures That Occurred in Truth and Earnest |
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"What do you think now, gentlemen," said the barber, "of what these gentles say, when they want to make out that this is a helmet?"
"And whoever says the contrary," said Don Quixote, "I will let him know he lies if he is a knight, and if he is a squire that he lies again a thousand times."
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第四十五章: 曼布里诺头盔和驮鞍疑案及其他事真相大白 In Which the Doubtful Question of Mambrino's Helmet and the Pack-saddle is Finally Settled, with Other Adventures That Occurred in Truth and Earnest