第四十三章: 阿都尔别墅 The House at Auteuil |
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Monte Cristo noticed that, as he came down the steps, Bertuccio crossed himself in the manner of the Corsicans, who make a cross in the air with their thumbs; and that when he took his place in the carriage he muttered a short prayer under his breath. A less curious man would have taken pity on the worthy steward in view of the extreme reluctance he had shown to the idea of a drive extra muros with the count; but it appeared that the man was too keen to discover the reason why for him to excuse Bertuccio their little journey.
In twenty minutes they had reached Auteuil. The steward's anxiety had increased steadily. As they entered the village, Bertuccio, slumped in a corner of the carriage, began to study each of the houses that they passed with feverish attention.
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第四十三章: 阿都尔别墅 The House at Auteuil