第四十五章: 血雨 A Shower of Blood | 基督山伯爵
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"As he came in, the jeweller looked around enquiringly, but nothing seemed to arouse his suspicions, if he had none so far, or to confirm any that he might have had. Caderousse was still holding his banknotes and his gold in both hands. La Carconte smiled at her guest as pleasantly as she could.
"'Ah! I see,' said the jeweller. 'It appears you were afraid of having been underpaid, so you were counting your wealth after I left.'
"'Not at all,' said Caderousse. 'But the events that brought us this fortune were so unexpected that we still cannot believe in it, and when we do not have the actual proof under our eyes we imagine that we may still be dreaming.'
"The jeweller smiled.
"'Do you have any travellers in your inn?' he asked.
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第四十五章: 血雨 A Shower of Blood