第三十七章: 姚木兰痛悼爱女,孔立夫横遭拘囚 | 京华烟云
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After the first shock of her daughter's death, Mulan became very silent, not replying to questions and not even weeping.
The body was laid in the ancestral temple. Mannia came over to stay at Mulan's side. Her own son, Asuan, had not joined in the demonstration that day, for he was in the Customs College which was managed by the Maritime Customs Service, and the students were under more strict control than those in the purely Chinese colleges.
Girls from Aman's school and some delegates from the general student body came to express condolences, but Mulan did not see them.
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第三十七章: 姚木兰痛悼爱女,孔立夫横遭拘囚