第二十章: 世界著名的骑士唐吉诃德进行了一次前所未闻却又毫无危险的冒险 Of the Unexampled and Unheard-of Adventure Which Was Achieved by the Valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha with Less Peril Than Any Ever Achieved by Any Famous Knight in the World | 唐吉诃德(上卷)
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"It cannot be, señor, but that this grass is a proof that there must be hard by some spring or brook to give it moisture, so it would be well to move a little farther on, that we may find some place where we may quench this terrible thirst that plagues us, which beyond a doubt is more distressing than hunger."
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第二十章: 世界著名的骑士唐吉诃德进行了一次前所未闻却又毫无危险的冒险 Of the Unexampled and Unheard-of Adventure Which Was Achieved by the Valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha with Less Peril Than Any Ever Achieved by Any Famous Knight in the World