第二章: 遇乱兵骨肉失散,贴告白沿路寻人 | 京华烟云
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Mulan, seated with crossed legs on the hard blue cotton cushion with her eight-year-old sister and Coral, first learned the jolting sensation of a Peking mule cart. She was excited and distinctly felt she was adventuring in the wide world.
Soon she and Mochow and Coral were talking with the driver, who was a jovial fellow and told them about the Boxers and what they did and what they did not do, about his chats with them, about war in Tientsin, about the Emperor and the Empress Dowager and Ta Ako (heir presumptive), and about their prospective journey.
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第二章: 遇乱兵骨肉失散,贴告白沿路寻人