第六十五章: 夫妇间的一幕 A Domestic Scene |
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The three young men had separated at the Place Louis XV, Morrel going via the boulevards, Château-Renaud crossing the Pont de la Révolution and Debray following the path by the river. It seemed likely that Morrel and Château-Renaud would be returning to the bosom of their families -- as they still call it in the House, in well-turned speeches, and at the theatre in the Rue de Richelieu, in well-written plays; but the same was not true of Debray. When he got to the grille at the Louvre, he took a left turn, crossing the Carrousel at the double, slipped down the Rue Saint-Roch, came out at the Rue de la Michodière and arrived finally at M. Danglars' door, just as M. de Villefort's landau, having deposited him and his wife in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, was pulling up to let the baroness return home.
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第六十五章: 夫妇间的一幕 A Domestic Scene