第十五章: 鸡鸣 The Crowing of the Cock | 红与黑
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Amour en latin faict amor; Or done provient d'amour la mort, Et, par avant, soulcy qui mord, Deuil, plours, pièdges, forfaits, remords. -- LOVE'S BLAZON
Had Julien had any of the shrewdness he so gratuitously imagined himself to possess, he would have been able to congratulate himself the next day on the effect produced by his trip to Verrières. His absence had wiped out the memory of his inept antics. That day too he was rather sullen. Towards evening, a ludicrous idea occurred to him, and he imparted it to Mme de Rênal with singular intrepidness.
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第十五章: 鸡鸣 The Crowing of the Cock