翼射不中 Hou Yi Misses the Target | 中国成语寓言故事
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During the Xia Dynasty, there was a crack archer named Hou Yi.
One day, the King of Xia pointed to a shooting target of one square metre in size with a bull's eye of only 1/3 decimeter in diameter, and said to Hou Yi:
"If you can hit the bull's eye, I will award you 1,000 pieces of gold. But if you miss, I will take back the 1,000 li of land granted to you."
At that Hou Yi山vew the bow to shoot, but he felt very nervous, his face turning red and pale in turn. Unable to calm his flustered mind, he missed the target with the first arrow, and missed again with his second arrow.
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翼射不中 Hou Yi Misses the Target