第八十六章: 审问 Judgement is Passed | 基督山伯爵
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At eight o'clock in the morning, Albert stormed into Beauchamp's like a thunderbolt. The valet had been forewarned and showed Morcerf into his master's room, where Beauchamp had just got into his bath.
"Well?" Albert asked.
"Well, my poor friend," Beauchamp replied, "I was expecting you."
"Here I am. I don't need to say, Beauchamp, that I consider you too good and loyal a friend to have spoken of this to anyone; no, my dear fellow. In any case, the message you sent me is proof of your affection. So let's lose no time in preliminaries: do you have any idea where this blow comes from?"
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第八十六章: 审问 Judgement is Passed